Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day One: Semi Raw!


So recently I've decided to dabble in the "raw food" life style! I've been vegetarian for almost 11 months now and I was looking for more foods to add to my diet (because I'm sort of what you'd call a "picky eater" meaning: I don't eat vegetables except for corn, lettuce, and potatoes. Not very healthy, I know.

So anyways, I was looking up vegan or vegetarian recipes and came across which is a blog about raw foods and eating raw. Basically it introduced me to raw foods in a new way. The woman that writes it isn't "100 % raw" and I like that because I am not interested in becoming 100% raw right now, and maybe not ever. I have a fondness for certain cooked foods that I doubt will ever go away.

Now, back to my hatred of vegetables. The lovely lady at Happy Foody introduced me to something I'd never heard of: green smoothies. What are these you ask? Well, they're a way to get your servings of green, leafy vegetables with out having to eat 400 salads a day. They're mixtures of different types of greens and fruits to make a yummy smoothie with lots of fruits and vegetables! I love fruit, and eat it like candy, but vegetables is another story. After reading almost all her posts and researching a bit more about the health benefits of green smoothies, I decided Hmmm, maybe I should try these? 

I wanted to try these smoothies for another reason other than getting my daily serving of vegetables in, however. I get sick so so easily and doctors can never give me a straight answer on what's wrong with me. This has been going on since I was 12. I can't sleep, I have a weird, varying appetite, I throw up randomly, and I have a cough to end all coughs. Green smoothies have been said to help people with health issues of all kinds. I've also heard tell they're good for weight loss.....which I need. I weigh between 170-180 (I'm not trying to make myself sound better, my scale is just crazy and one minute will read 173 and then jump to 179). So I have multiple reasons for wanting to add raw foods and green smoothies into my diet.

Usually though, I'm 173 and my measurements are:
  • waist - 36
  • hips - 42
  • bust - 42
Hopefully I'll lose some weight and some inches?

Today was my first green smoothie. I got baby spinach, bananas, and blueberries and tossed them in my blender ass according to a recipe I got from one raw food site. I blended for awhile (spinach is harder to liquefy than I thought) and poured it into a bottle I saved specifically for these smoothies.

I sniffed. I smelled....grass? Oh well, I do like grass after all! I closed my eyes and took a sip.


That, in one sentence, describes my green smoothie experience. So I chugged that beast down and I can't wait for tomorrow's! I'm going to be using that recipe for a while, and then I'll switch it up, as that is what's usually recommended so your body doesn't get used to the greens. I have kale and romaine on hand as well as the baby spinach. And honestly, baby spinach has like no flavor whatsoever. So to those skeptical of trying spinach, try the baby variety! It was great!

My only issue with today's smoothie was that the banana taste was a bit overwhelming. I might add more spinach or more blueberries tomorrow.

So I'll be (hopefully) writing here ever day to talk about what I've eaten for the day. So far for today, I've had:
  • green smoothie
  • cinnamon raison bagel
  • pb & honey
  • yogurt with berries
  • about a gallon or 30 of water XD
I'll probably have a salad for lunch and maybe one for dinner too. I'll also throw in an apple and probably a few clementines. Bye for now!

xoxoxo Summer

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